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EF Gap Year 2022-23: Leadership Academy

Welcome to your virtual program for the EF Gap Year Leadership Academy in the UK.

What Is Leadership Academy?

Leadership Academy is designed to give time and space for you to reflect on the year you have had and think about how you will bring it forward into your future. You will be reunited with each other so you can see the growth that each of you has gone through individually, as well as the overall growth that you have experienced as a cohort. 

While travelling to and from Ashridge throughout the week, buses will be organized by European Immersion groups with your original Tour Directors. We hope you’ll take advantage of free time, meals, and structured programming to connect with new friends and old. It’s never too late to meet your new bestie!  

We want Leadership Academy to be a fun, positive, and meaningful experience for all group participants. We expect you to continue to adhere to the Rules of the Road – breaking these rules will have serious ramifications, even in your final days. You will have 3 days and 2 nights in London prior to heading to Ashridge. These days will be a mix of structured activities and free time. Use this time in London to explore and enjoy the city life, as once we head to Ashridge, we will remain there on its beautiful grounds for most of the rest of the program. 

We also expect you to be present and engaged during all the sessions we have planned for you at Ashridge. Alumni can attest to the impact of this experience and its benefits both in the moment and when they return home. We have intentionally given you plenty of free time to balance the structured activities, so make sure to use that free time for your social and relaxation time! Let’s end your year on an awesome note  

We recognize that some students may be observing a religious holiday during this time. EF is proud to always support our students in doing so, whether that be specific dietary needs or space to practice their religion. If a holiday of yours coincides with Leadership Academy, let your advisor know as soon as possible. We’ll do everything we can on our end to help you observe in a meaningful way.

Schedule of events

The schedule outlined below is intentionally a mix of structured activities that will help you reflect and prepare for your return, conversations with inspiring EF employees, and free time for you to enjoy each other’s company. And of course, this is also a time to celebrate! We will be celebrating all that you have achieved and accomplished throughout your time on the program. 

All Day: Arrivals to London
An EF Tour Director will meet you at the London airport to bring you to the hotel. Enjoy free time to rest or to explore London if you arrive earlier in the day!

Hotel: Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington

Evening: Dinner on your own
For dinner, your EF Tour Director will give you a cash handout to explore some of the many amazing culinary options in London! Connect with some of your friends you perhaps haven’t seen in a while and head out to explore the city.

Overnight at the Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington

7:00-9:00am: Breakfast at the hotel

All Day: Explore London
This day is for you to use all the travel smarts and independence you’ve gained throughout your year to explore London at your own pace. You’ve already seen the biggest must-sees during your Guided Exploration in Europe at the beginning of your program, so what is left on your bucket list to see in this amazing city? Grab a friend (or a few) and head out into the city.

Tour Directors will have a few optional activities that you will be able to join if you’d like — stay tuned for more info from them!

Make sure to get all your city living out of your system on this day, as the next day, you will head to Ashridge, which is far outside London in the countryside.

7:00pm: Welcome Dinner
Have dinner with the group and celebrate having reached this important milestone in your Gap Year experience. Enjoy a traditional English pub dinner at Doggett’s Coat & Badge, which overlooks the Thames.

Overnight at the Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington

7:00-9:00am: Breakfast at Hotel  

Morning & Early Afternoon: Free Time
Spend your final morning exploring the city where it all began. Grab one last fish and chips or explore a new neighborhood before we head off to the beautiful Ashridge House. Have lunch on your own.

2:00pm: Be back at hotel to depart for Ashridge
Head out of the city and into the idyllic English countryside. Take note of the changing landscape as we travel to Ashridge by bus.  

4:00pm: Welcome to Leadership Academy 
Kickoff the Leadership Academy experience with an overview of the schedule, introduction of staff, and a special surprise that will have you travelling back in time.  

5:30pm: Tour of Ashridge
Did you know the moving staircases at Hogwarts were inspired by those at Ashridge? A special mold was taken at the castle to recreate the iconic design on set! Discover more fun facts and learn your way around with a brief guided tour of the magnificent estate you’re living in!  

6:15pm: Check-in 
After getting your bearings at Ashridge, get your room key and spend some time settling in.

7:30pm: Dinner in the Coach House

8:30pm: Stargazing (Optional) (Weather permitting)
Take a walk on the dark side with a casual nighttime stroll on the grounds of Ashridge. As you look forward to what comes next in life, we’ll look up at the stars to help guide you on that path. Bring your camera and your friends! 

Overnight at Ashridge House

7:00-9:00 am: Breakfast in the Coach House

9:30am: Gap Rollercoaster
Your EF gap year can be a rollercoaster of emotions. With so many friends, countries, languages, and experiences, it’s hard to find time to pause and assess everything you just went through. Buckle up because this activity will refresh your memory and allow you to reflect on your EF ride of a lifetime. 

10:30am: Break  

10:45am: Global Citizenship: Then & Now  
It’s no secret that your passport has gone from bland to glammed! This activity will get you up and moving as you reflect on how your global travels and cultural immersions have impacted on your worldview and personal identity. 

12:30pm: Lunch  

1:30pm: Leaning into Lessons
Let’s be real: it’s not always easy heading home after a once in a lifetime experience like Gap Year. And it’s not always easy to process the lessons, challenges, and adventures you’ve had along the way. In this session, we’ll dive into how to do just that. Together through interactive activities we’ll try to make meaning of all that we’ve encountered over the last year and learn specific tools to help us manage the difficult emotions we might be facing as our Gap Year comes to a close.    

3:30pm: Tap Someone Who…  
Everyone has brought something unique to this cohort, but not everyone realizes it. Feel all the “warm and fuzzies” inside at this EF Gap traditional activity that should not be missed!   

4:45pm: Free Time  

7:00pm: Dinner  

8:00pm: Movie Night (optional)
Be it Hagrid or Hermione, please don’t keep them waiting. We’ll watch a Quidditch game you’ve all been anticipating! See the Whomping Willow, from where we currently reside, come watch Harry Potter, it’s so much fun do not hide!  

Overnight at Ashridge House

7:00-9:00 am: Breakfast in the Coach House
Make sure to have a hearty breakfast as we’re taking a day trip from Ashridge to explore the city of Oxford and tour Oxford University, the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Did you know the UK’s first cups of coffee were sold at the current site of The Grand Café in Oxford? Grab a cup of caffeinated history during your free time in town!  

8:30am: Greg & Alex’s groups depart for Oxford  

9:30am: Mayia & Despoina’s groups depart for Oxford  

10:30-11:30am: Tour of Oxford: Greg & Alex’s groups

11:45am-12:45pm: Tour of Oxford: Mayia & Despoina’s groups

After your group’s tour, enjoy free time to explore the town of Oxford and its iconic university!

4:00pm: Greg & Alex’s groups depart for Ashridge

5:00pm: Mayia & Despoina’s groups depart for Ashridge

7:00pm: Dinner at Ashridge  

8:00pm: PowerPoint Party
Kick back and relax as student volunteers share one amazing photo from their Gap journey and the unique one-minute tale that accompanies it. We’ll laugh, cry, and bond in one-minute intervals on this rapid-fire show-and-tell like you’ve never experienced before. Don’t wait, start finding your one photo now!  If you’re interested in presenting a special photo from your Gap, please submit it to Josh Ull ( by 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29 .

Overnight at Ashridge House

7:00-9:00am: Breakfast in the Coach House

9:30-11:00am: Returning Home & Becoming an EF Gap Alum
Learn from EF Gap staff and alumni as they share personal stories and advice on how to navigate your next module – life. We’ll also share how you can stay involved with EF as part of our alumni network. Think relaxed coffee shop vibes meets that cool teacher you always stayed to talk to after class. 

11:00 am: Break  

11:15am-12:15pm: Gap in a Pack 
Don’t you wish you could throw your favorite roommate, Tour Director, and French pastries in your backpack, so they are with you forever? This activity will help us spill out our collective backpack and decide what’s worth taking home and what may be worth leaving behind. Most importantly, we’ll reveal what impact this cohort can have on the communities you’ll go to next.  

12:30pm: Lunch  

1:30-2:30pm: Yap about your Gap 
Your Instagram looks great, and your Passport is running out of room. … so what? What’s most important is how you translate those memories into stories that open doors of opportunities. This activity will empower you to put words to your experiences in a resume, interview, or important conversation. In addition, you’ll discover how your Gap Year will lead you on a new path, that twists and turns in all the best ways.  

2:30pm: Break  

2:45-3:45pm: Attitude of Gratitude
There are countless people you have encountered throughout your EF Gap journey. From your Advisor to your Tour Directors, your peers to the strangers you befriended at a Parisian café, all had the potential to have a transformative impact on your life. This activity will give you the chance to tell them.  

3:45-6:00pm: Free Time  

6:00pm: Prosecco Reception 
Toast to your fellow travelers and the journey you have gone on together!

7:00-9:00pm: Banquet 
Get ready to SHINE as your week of learning and reflection culminates with a memorable banquet to celebrate the amazing year you’ve shared together. Most notably, we’ll hear from your student speaker, to toast to all the good times you’ve shared. Come dressed to impress, but no need to stress! We recommend slacks, skirts, blazers, or whatever makes you feel special for this festive evening. 

9:00pm: Neon Night in the Monks’ Barn
We’re thrilled that your fellow students on the Leadership Academy Committee are organizing a neon-themed dance party. Following the Banquet, you’ll have the opportunity to change into your brights as we dim the lights for one last epic night! 

Overnight at Ashridge House

All day: Departures home
Several buses are scheduled to transport you to the airport. Your Tour Director will let you know what time your bus is scheduled to depart Ashridge. Make sure to be on time for the bus!

You will have breakfast boxes prepared for you to pick up on your way to the bus.


Meet the EF Gap Year staff that will be joining you at Leadership Academy!